De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani has always been committed to undertaking pro bono activities, both on its own and together with professional associations and other external organisations.


The Firm participated with ASLAWomen in the project developed in partnership with the State University of Milan, in the person of Prof. Nerina Boschiero, chairman of the management committee of the Faculty of Law and with the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA).
This project has involved in years 2016 and 2017 four young Ghanaian women lawyers admitted to the Ghana national Bar who were selected on the basis of merit and in the light of their specific awareness on themes of diversity and the role of women in the legal profession. These young colleagues worked as interns for six months in associated law firms belonging to ASLA. In 2017, the internships were particularly focused on anti-corruption law. The driving force behind the ASLA project is Cristina Fussi, a partner of the Firm and Vice-President of ASLA.
Two new candidates have been selected in 2019 and they will arrive in Italy at the end of February.


The Firm also belongs to the Italian branch of an organisation whose goal is to put non-profit organisations into contact with law firms by organising round tables in which representatives from the different non-profit organisations present their activities and the type of legal services which they need and which the several law firms may be willing to provide pro bono. Part of the Italian Pro Bono Roundtable, the Italian PILnet non-profit network has now given birth to the association Pro Bono Italia, which offers assistance both in and out of court on a voluntary basis to non-profit organisations with a social purpose and individuals with difficulty in having access to justice. The Firm is one of the founder members of Pro Bono Italia and partners Cristina Fussi and Silvia Doria as well as associate Andrea Sonino are actively involved in it.


This is a project launched by the World Bank in the context of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, which is now coordinated by the OECD, with the objective of bridging the legal, ethical and economic gap between profit-making activities and non-profit organisations.
From the outset, our firm has been amongst the peer reviewers, who examine and comment or make suggestions on draft material circulated. The partner in charge is Cristina Fussi.