Electronic Communications,
Audiovisual and Digital Services


Businesses operating in the entire sector of electronic communications, audiovisual and digital services.


Specialized advice on current legislation and new regulatory developments in the electronic communications, audiovisual and digital services sectors.

Expert assistance before Ministries and independent authorities and in any related domestic and European litigation.

Advice to operators on applications for concessions, authorizations and licensing processes and the payment of related dues and fees. Finding solutions related to online commerce and digital evolution. 

All round assistance on related activities - such as commercial contracts, misleading and comparative advertising, unfair commercial practices, competition, IP and data protection and respect for fundamental rights.

The presence in the team of professionals who have worked as in-house counsel in companies in the sector allows us to have a full understanding of the profound transformation that the audiovisual sector is experiencing due to the increasing convergence between television and services distributed via the internet and between media and content, as well as the rise of new players and new business models, and the need to introduce total flexibility in terms of advertising. Our fully operational Brussels office is an excellent source of information and a dedicated research "think tank".