Private Clients


Entrepreneurs, managers, investors, family offices, and multi-family offices, nationally and internationally renowned artists, athletes, individuals, and generally families with significant financial and asset interests (HNWI and UHNWI).


Legal, tax, and judicial consultancy dedicated to investment and/or divestment needs, organization and/or reorganization, management, protection, and safeguarding as well as transition of personal wealth during life and post-mortem.

We assist our clients in their financial, asset, entrepreneurial, and business interests, with particular attention to enhancing their desires, any talents and aptitudes of all family members, focusing on objectives to defuse internal conflicts, and operating with maximum confidentiality and pragmatism, alongside them in all phases of family or business continuity or discontinuity.

Our clients are continuously supported by dedicated teams of professionals with different specializations capable of offering support, among other things, in:

  • Investment operations in real estate properties, managing the entire acquisition process.
  • Investment operations, including through auctions, of pleasure assets: antiques, art collections, artworks, jewelry, yachts, vintage cars.
  • Wealth planning, also from the perspective of protecting assets from third-party aggression.
  • Management and prevention of family and business discontinuity events, providing, among other things, solutions for better corporate governance.
  • Planning and execution of generational transition and asset transmission.
  • Drafting of wills, multiple wills.
  • Management of open successions in another jurisdiction concerning assets located in Italian territory.
  • Establishment of internal and foreign trusts in Italy, testamentary trusts, holdings, family foundations, and the development of various asset management configuration solutions.
  • Establishment of family agreements.
  • Protection of vulnerable and weaker subjects.
  • Italian donations and bequests in favor of Italian and foreign charitable associations.
  • Philanthropic activities.
  • Representation and judicial defense in Italy and in multi-jurisdictional disputes regarding the validity of wills, disputes related to the choice of the main will, assets located in different jurisdictions, disputes over the infringement of the reserved share for legitimate heirs.
  • Residence transfer to Italy also for tax purposes and legal and tax issues related to the high international mobility of specific figures such as managers, athletes, and artists.
  • Protection of personal data, data theft, and reputation protection also online.
  • Tax aspects and sharing of the best solutions in asset management and destination during life and in case of death.

Assisting private clients requires the ability to translate the complexities of legal and tax issues and their ramifications in a way that engages the client in the decision-making process of managing their own wealth, also respecting tradition and family values.

Our professionals, some of whom are qualified in Common Law countries, boast an international network of correspondents, hold top positions in major international professional associations, and together with the firm, are recognized and awarded nationally and internationally as among the best in the industry.