

Clients of various dimensions and nature: from start-ups to well-known digital media companies and internet service providers, as well as leading companies in the eCommerce sector.
Companies belonging to a wide range of sectors - such as, among others, fashion, luxury, travel, IT services, paper and writing instruments, music industry, publishing, and others.


All activities related to the digital world, concerning online presence (web and mobile), such as legal assessment for eCommerce sites, marketplaces, Apps and Web Apps, and related activities such as marketing compliance, user profiling, privacy, payment systems, drafting and review of terms and conditions and regulatory forms.

Assistance with, among others:

  • Creation of digital start-ups, including relations with regulatory authorities, registration and advice on the protection of intellectual property rights, drafting and review of service contracts
  • Entry into the Italian market
  • Creation of a compliance structure, review of contractual and corporate structure, clients’ relations and other service providers and intermediaries
  • Extraordinary transactions and assistance to shareholders in the subsequent processes of admission to listing on AIM in Italy
  • Review of contracts concerning digital transfer of personal data to foreign subsidiaries and parent companies and sub-contracts for digital and online services involving the transfer of personal data to entities located outside the EU
  • Creation of e-commerce
  • Acquisition of domains from third parties

Our expertise encompasses all IT aspects of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, AR, VR and other advanced technologies.

In the context of the Digital/Tech department it is operative the multidisciplinary working group Blockchain & Digital Assets, composed of partners and associates with specific competences in the area of blockchain, smart contracts, fungible and non-fungible tokens, which is able to provide advice and assistance on:

  • Legal aspects connected to the adoption of blockchain in public and private sectors
  • Development and creation of smart contracts and legal smart contracts
  • Examination and definition of the legal structure and functioning mechanisms of tokens (utility token, investment token, currency token, hybrid token, NFT)
  • Analysis of the nature of tokens and their possible qualification as "financial products" in Italy and the main EU jurisdictions
  • Structuring and creation of NFTs, with particular reference to the application of regulations on the protection of intellectual property, tax profiles, etc.
  • Tax treatment of crypto-assets
  • Preparation of contractual documentation for voice commerce systems, IoT eCommerce, blockchain eCommerce platforms.

The firm has, furthermore, well-established relationships with leading IT companies specialized in fintech, crypto-activity and blockchain and is able to provide its clients with assistance in many jurisdictions.

Our experience in understanding and addressing the complex challenges posed by data protection and security legislation in different countries around the world, in the light of ever-evolving technology and legislation, is complemented by the experience of experts and specialists in relevant data protection subjects, such as IT and criminal lawyers. Among the former, we have excellent contacts with a highly specialized group of engineers who are experts in online security connected to the Milan Polytechnic.