Art Law


Individuals, banking and financial institutions, foundations and associations, organisers of cultural events, consultants and other players in the world of art and creativity, in particular, nationally and internationally renowned artists, private dealers, professional dealers, museum directors and curators, auction houses, art galleries, collectors, insurance companies and transport companies.


Legal and fiscal consultancy, and related litigation, on a national and international scale, in the public and private sector, dedicated to the organisation, management, protection and investment in all areas connected with the art system and its market. In particular, we offer legal assistance in the following areas:

  • Copyright
    • management and protection of copyright on artworks, also applied to performance and street art, digital art, NFT and crypto art
    • management of photographic artworks, sale and purchase of photonegatives and related economic exploitation rights
    • management of conflicts of interest between artists and owners
    • disputes resolution concerning plagiarism, counterfeiting, forgery and theft of works of art or collections
  • Contracts, artistic patronage and wealth&succession planning
    • legal and artistic due diligence on artworks, collectibles or art collections
    • buying and selling of single artworks and art collections
    • transport and transfer, deposit, commission, mandate to sell, loan and rental of artworks, also for exhibition purposes
    • lending of artworks as security for leasing contracts or other financial contracts, art lending
    • selection of the most suitable fine art insurance coverage and negotiation of the relating conditions
    • conservation and restoration activities and related contractual relationships with restorers
    • management of all aspects of tax and patrimonial nature in relation to transactions involving artworks; requests for the granting of public funds for art and art bonuses, assistance with voluntary disclosure
    • donations, artistic patronage and pro bono activities, legacies and bequests related to artworks
    • succession plan and setting up of associations, foundations and trusts, in synergy with the estate and succession planning team
  • Public aspects
    • notification and authorisation procedures for cultural artworks, handling relations with the Ministry of Culture and local Fine Arts Superintendencies
    • international circulation of artworks
  • Organisational and management structures
    • setting up of associations and art producers for the production of artworks
    • organisation of exhibitions and performances
    • establishment, management and organisation of artists' archives and artists' studios, using leading experts in the field
    • setting up and managing authentication committees and legal aspects of the artwork authentication process

Legal assistance in the field of art law and taxation implies passion for art and deep knowledge of a market characterised by multiple interests. Artpieces’ price/value dynamics - driven by economic logics different from the natural ones of supply and demand -, the possible opacity in exchanges between private individuals along with increasing focus of artists on media exposure require critical sense and great flexibility.

Our professionals are able to work alongside leading experts in the field by providing qualified assistance on a national and international scale.