Marco Frazzica


T. +39 02 72554.1


Via San Paolo, 7
20121 – MILAN

Marco Frazzica, partner of De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani since 2005, started his professional career in 1985 joining the Milan firm Bergmann e Scamoni which then became, after successive mergers, CMS Adonnino Ascoli & Cavasola Scamoni.

After periods of practice as visiting foreign lawyer at Vinge in Gothenburg and at Baileys Shaw & Gillett in London he became, in 1992, partner of CMS Adonnino Ascoli & Cavasola Scamoni, where he followed mainly American, British and Scandinavian clients focusing on contractual consultancy on commercial and corporate law, including M&A and private equity.

He has also acquired a focused competence in the specific industry sectors where his major clients are engaged, such as the automotive and the steel industry.

Marco, today, continues to deal with contractual consultancy, commercial and corporate law, M&A and private equity.

Fluent in Swedish, he has been for many years member of the Board and then Chairman of the Italian-Swedish Chamber of Commerce-Assosvezia as well as member of the Board of Unionestere, the association of foreign chambers of commerce in Italy.

Due to his knowledge of the Italian-Swedish relations and his well established professional relations with Scandinavian companies, in 2002 Marco was appointed General Consul (Honorary) of Sweden in Milan and still has jurisdiction over Lombardy, and the Municipality of Alessandria, Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola.

He tightly cooperates with Swedish institutions, among which the Swedish Trade & Invest Council, for which Marco spoke at seminars and events held in various Swedish cities on corporate and commercial issues related to the options available to Swedish companies to enter and do business in the Italian market.

As a consultant to legal publisher Ipsoa-Francis Lefebvre, he contributes to the Memento Pratico Ipsoa-Francis Lefebvre, a classical reference book on commercial enterprises.

Marco was Vice-President of the International Business Law Commission of the International Young Lawyers Association (AIJA) as well as member of the Milan Bar Commission for International Relations.

Areas of expertise

Admitted to the Supreme Court

Admitted to the Italian Bar


Bologna, Degree in Law (cum laude), University of Bologna


Italian, English, Swedish, French

