Temporary Legal Management and Secondments


Our Firm regularly provides to existing and new clients the services of part-time secondees chosen from amongst our most brilliant associates for limited periods of time, to cater for emergencies, follow new projects presenting special urgency, dedication or specialization, or follow regular streams of activity and counselling that require to be close to the business and its demands. As a rule, associates with specific expertise and able to work with a high degree of autonomy are seconded.

More exceptionally, we are able to offer temporary legal management services, by seconding for protracted periods of time a senior lawyer or counsel to work with the client at its premises, in case of need of an internal legal manager during a selection process, or where the creation of an in-house legal function is being considered or in case that function has remained uncovered because of extraordinary circumstances.

In both cases, the benefit of the presence of the secondee or temporary legal manager at the client’s location is synergistic with his or her ability to draw at all times in a seamless fashion from the overall resources and capabilities of the Firm.

Temporary legal management and secondments are the object of special economic terms agreed in each individual case.

If you wish to learn more on this, please contact remotesupport@dejalex.com