
Potapovsky Lane, 5, build. 2, 4th floor, office 401/12/9
101000 Moscow,
T +7 495 792 54 92


The Firm has had offices in Moscow since the late Nineties of the previous century. The Moscow Office was established to offer legal services covering the Russian Federation, and the territories of the former Soviet Union. Chief areas of practice included commercial and corporate law, employment law, IP, tax, and dispute resolution.

With the advent of the tragic Ukraine war and the dramatic changes in geopolitical outlook that followed, we exclusively reconcentrated on disinvestments and repatriation of funds for Italian and European clients, IP work and sanctions work clients. We duly comply with EU and domestic sanction and authorisation regimes, and do not represent sanctioned persons or entities.

The Moscow Office is staffed with resident lawyers fluent in Russian, Italian and English.