Our Clients can count on more than 80 professionals

We are:

We have forged over the years close relationship with first class law firms and networks virtually all over the world to assure optimal standards, speed of response and quality.

We regularly enlist the support of leading professors and academics, as special counsels and expert witnesses.
A number of our partners have teaching and academic assignments, are legal authors and serve in scientific and editorial committees.

We are present in Italy and abroad

Our Italian offices are located in Milan and Rome and we have been having for decades operative offices in Brussels and Moscow.

We all can speak and work fluently in Italian, English and French and frequently use German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Polish and Portuguese.

We are an international, full service Italian law firm

Our Firm traditionally engages in international and European commercial work in both contentious and non-contentious matters.

Our expertise embraces almost all the areas of law

We are frequently involved in domestic and international arbitration and mediation, both as counsels and as neutrals.

Over the years, we have developed a deep knowledge of more than 30 industrial sectors.

We advise a large number of domestic and foreign clients.

A significant number of them are multinational companies ranking in Fortune Global 500, besides a large number of Italian SMEs.