Energy and


Italian and multinational companies active in the energy and environment sector.


We advise on issues related to the purchase of energy production facilities, environmental compliance, permits, authorizations, licensing requirements and waste management and, among others:

  • Renewable sources projects and price incentives
  • Dispute resolution settlements as well as pre-contentious assistance and litigation, including before the Administrative Courts, and domestic and international arbitration
  • Construction and building contracts and related IP and technology licensing
  • Soil contamination and reclamation projects
  • General and specific legislation on waste management, including recycling of packaging and end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment
  • Public procurement, public tenders and public works
  • Large projects and infrastructures, and related special legislation
  • Regulated energy sectors and markets (electricity, gas), dealing with regulators, central and local Agencies, analysis of tariff issues
  • Relevant aspects of EU and competition law
  • Dealing and working with external experts and economists
  • Multi-jurisdictional projects, surveys and comparative studies analysing laws of other jurisdictions

Through our Moscow office, we also assist clients in relation to legal and commercial aspects in the energy sector in Russia.

We always deal with cases by adopting a comprehensive approach: we combine regulatory skills and administrative litigation capabilities with our experience in relationships with the Authorities.