Vittorio Poli


T. +39 02 72554.1


Via San Paolo, 7
20121 – MILAN

Vittorio Poli has been for many years a criminal law counsel of De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani. His practice over the last 25 years has focused on the various fields of criminal law related to white collar crimes (offences in the field of bribery, taxation and finance, pollution and safety standards at the workplace and intellectual property).

In 2008, he assisted a Belgian company as part of a process that involved offenses committed by public officials to the detriment of a leading industrial group in Italy. In this context, he participated in proceedings before the Constitutional Court for a declaration of unconstitutionality of a law to reform the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to limitation.

In recent years he has also gained experience in the field of corporate administrative liability for criminal offenses perpetrated by a company’s representatives, both as a defense counsel, and as a consultant in the preparation of compliance programs and, as a speaker at conferences.
He has been involved in recent years in the defense of persons in the context of an important trial that has involved over one hundred defendants, regarding cases of bribery of public officials within the national health system.

Currently, he is in charge of (inter alia)

  • the defense of a senior executive of a major American multinational company. The process involves changes of bribery of public officials, including the mayor of a major Italian city
  • the defense in several bankruptcy trials.

Areas of expertise

Member of the Milan Criminal Lawyers Society

Admitted to the Supreme Court

Admitted to the Italian Bar


Milan, Degree in Law, University of Milan


Italian, English, French

