and Retail


Clients in the fashion and luxury goods, fitness, textiles, watches and jewellery, health, chemicals, graphic instruments, medical devices, furniture, design objects and money transfer sectors.


Assistance in relation to the protecting of brands and advice on the legal implications of consumer protection legislation and compliance with advertising and marketing, product liability, privacy, labeling and industry regulatory requirements.

More specifically, inter alia we assist with:

  • Drafting and reviewing terms and conditions of sale with respect to both physical and online sales
  • Advice on advertising regulations all kinds of physical and online sales
  • Analysis of issues relating to the launch of advertising campaigns
  • Promotions and competitions for prizes and related regulatory aspects
  • Domestic and European regulations regarding labelling and disclosure requirements for certain types of products (chemicals, textiles, food, cosmetics, etc.)
  • Drafting and reviewing data protection notices and advising on privacy regulations for both e-commerce activities and general online services
  • Consultancy and assistance before the supervisory authorities (in Italy and abroad) in relation to comparative and misleading advertising, unfair terms, etc.

Our goal is to assist companies in the correct application of the rules, thus also protecting the rights of the consumer.