EU and Competition


Clients from a wide variety of industries including: pharmaceutical and life sciences, betting and gaming, audiovisual, tobacco, automotive, cosmetics, luxury, food and beverage, electronic communications, construction and infrastructures, transport.


Assistance to multinational and domestic companies in matters of:

  • Cartels
  • Abuse of dominant position
  • Restrictive agreements
  • Leniency programmes
  • Block Exemptions
  • Self-assessments
  • Free movement of goods, persons, services and capital
  • Competition related litigation, private enforcement and antitrust damages
  • Domestic, EU and multi-jurisdiction merger clearances
  • Legality rating
  • Regulated sectors
  • State aid
  • Compliance programmes
  • Proceedings and investigations of the European Commission, the Italian Competition Authority and other national competition authorities, dawn raids
  • Litigation before the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union
  • Contentious antitrust proceedings before the domestic Administrative Courts 

Through our Italian, Brussels and Moscow offices, we also advise on:

  • International trade law and WTO issues
  • Structural funds
  • Competition features of intellectual property
  • Public procurement
  • Lobbying actions at both domestic and EU levels

Assistance on a continuous basis on antitrust compliance and in setting up, reviewing and updating clients’ compliance programs and policies, also in the light of the 2014 EU Guidelines.

Thanks to our fully operative Brussels office, we have a privileged source of information, a research "think tank" that continuously provides alerts and updates on EU law to all offices of the Firm as well as to clients. With a view to sharing its value we feed two blogs almost daily:
- "", dedicated to businesses in the transport and logistics sectors and
- "", on the Brexit saga.