Public Procurement


Local and international clients belonging mainly to the following industries: pharmaceutical, construction, medical devices, audiovisual, IT communication systems, betting and gaming, energy, automotive, environmental, luxury, food & beverage.


Public and regulatory law issues, both in court and non-contentious.

Participation in public tenders in all phases, from the initial review to the preparation of the bid documentation, to the setting up of guarantees, to the award and post-award phases, to the signing of the contract and the creation of an ad hoc corporate vehicle, and to the related tax and regulatory aspects.

Regulatory advice, in particular, in the sectors of town planning, pharmaceutical and life sciences, gaming and betting, energy, tenders, automotive and environment as well as in public and concession contracts.

Proceedings before the Public Administration, independent Authorities (such as the Securities Commission, the Competition Authority, the National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Telecoms Authority, the Data Protection Authority, the Transport Regulatory Authority, the Pharmaceutical Agency and the Customs Agency) and in related administrative litigation (to the Regional Administrative Courts throughout the country, on final appeal to the Italian Council of State, to the Court of Auditors and to the Constitutional Court).

Obtaining concessions, authorizations and licenses (including those for the export of dual-use goods and transactions subject to trade restrictions).

Our interpersonal skills and the highly specialized team in our Rome office where the main courts and State entities are located, allow us to assist clients from many different sectors on public procurement and other regulatory matters with the required speed and extremely effectively.