Capital Markets
Banking and financial regulation


Banks, financial intermediaries, asset management companies (SGRs), investment funds, insurance companies, and industrial groups operating in different commodity sectors, both Italian and foreign.


Corporate and extraordinary finance transactions, including debt restructuring transactions, also involving publicly traded companies.

IPOs (both on the main market and Euronext Growth Milan), securities public offerings and share capital increase of listed companies, as well as transactions aiming at delisting.

Voluntary or mandatory takeover bids, as well as in extraordinary transactions of listed companies with exemption from the takeover bid obligation.

The Firm also assists listed companies with regard to public disclosure (market abuse regulation) and corporate governance advice to corporate bodies and internal committees, including having regard to procedures and regulations regarding related parties transactions.

The Firm also advises banks, insurance companies and financial intermediaries on regulatory issues, both in the context of extraordinary transactions and in the ordinary course of business (e.g., in relation to corporate governance, corporate officers, and capital requirements regulations) as well as in the management of crisis situations and in general relations with the Supervisory Authorities.

The firm also assists asset management companies (SGRs) in the procedures of placement, offering and management of investment funds as well as in the regulatory and corporate aspects of their activities.

The experience gained over the years in the sector has therefore enabled us to establish consolidated relationships with the Supervisory Authorities (CONSOB, Bank of Italy, IVASS) and with regulated markets management companies