THE UBERISATION OF SOCIETY – Bruxelles, 30 maggio 2017

webmaster Antonella Terranova, Bruxelles, Eventi, Roberto A. Jacchia

Uberisation is a media and multiform phenomenon, characterised by being put in direct contact via digital platforms with private individuals who o er and consume services. It is a horizontal economic model of the “peer to peer” variety which achieves savings versus the classical entrepreneurial organisation with its salaried employees. This phenomenon presents companies with new questions that they cannot ignore, because the phenomenon has
long moved beyond the single domain of transport (Uber, Blablacar, Deliveroo…) or hotel services (AirBnB, Homelidays….). It extends today to the nancial sector (peer to peer lending) and is developing in the domain of services (emergency services and home repairs, legal aid services…). Sectors which are safe from “uberisation” are rare. It is therefore indispensable that we understand the phenomenon and its main economic and legal issues.

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